EUCHNER – More than safety.
EUCHNER – More than safety.

EKS-A-K1YEWT32-EU (Rend. sz. 094840)

Electronic-Key read/write

  • Memory 116 bytes E²PROM (programmable) plus 8 bytes ROM (serial number)
EKS-A-K1YEWT32-EU (Rend. sz. 094840)


Special features

  • The Electronic-Key contains a unique 8-byte serial number. This number is written by laser during the Electronic-Key production process and is stored absolutely indestructibly. The serial number is used for secure distinction of every single Electronic-Key.
Dimension drawing
Dimension drawing

Dimensional drawings

Dimensional drawings

Műszaki adatok

Electrical connection values

Number of read cycles not limited
Number of write cycles min. 100000
Data retention time min. 10 y at +55 °C
Length of serial number 8 B (Serial number read only)
Power supply Inductive via key adapter
Storage capacity 116 B read/write

Mechanical values and environment

Degree of protection IP65/IP67
Ambient temperature -20 ... +60 °C
Housing ABS, yellow

Rendelési adatok

Rend. sz. 094840
Cikk neve EKS-A-K1YEWT32-EU
Súly 0,008kg
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) 4047048007185
Vámtarifaszám 85389099990
ECLASS 27-39-90-90 Property, access monitor (other, unspecified)

Műszaki támogatás

Műszaki támogatás
Do you have technical questions about our products, their possible use or applications? Our experts will be happy to help.

EUCHNER Magyarország Kft.
+36 1919 0855


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