EUCHNER – More than safety.
EUCHNER – More than safety.
Increase workplace safety and reduce downtimes
KezdőlapSzervizEKS alkalmazásokIncrease workplace safety and reduce downtimes

Increase workplace safety and reduce downtimes

Avoid machine failures due to incorrect operation

Incorrect manual interventions due to inattentiveness or lack of knowledge can put production at risk. Restrict access by allowing only authorized persons to perform these interventions.

Avoid accidents due to authorization groups

Adapt the access rights to the operator’s level of training: Trainees have only restricted access to machine functions, skilled workers have expanded access, and service technicians can also work in special operating modes. Use the EKS to help ensure that only trained personnel can use certain operating modes.

Műszaki támogatás

Műszaki támogatás
Do you have technical questions about our products, their possible use or applications? Our experts will be happy to help.

EUCHNER Magyarország Kft.
+36 1919 0855


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