EUCHNER – More than safety.
EUCHNER – More than safety.
KezdőlapProductsElectromechanical safety switches without guard lockingN1A / NB01 Single Limit Switch, NZ position switch and EGZ single fixing limit switch

N1A / NB01 Single Limit Switch, NZ position switch and EGZ single fixing limit switch


These series are available in different designs. The multiple adjustability of the actuating mechanisms (plunger, lever arm or switch head), as well as the option of any installation orientation, ensures simple integration in all systems.


  • Mechanical life up to 30 million operating cycles
  • Degree of protection IP67
N1A / NB01 Single Limit Switch, NZ position switch and EGZ single fixing limit switch


Actuating element
Anzahl Zwangsöffner Türstellung

Termékek (231)

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Do you have technical questions about our products, their possible use or applications? Our experts will be happy to help.

EUCHNER Magyarország Kft.
+36 1919 0855


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